Friday, December 26, 2008

Workings of Karma

We live a life of making and clearing karma. Our actions create reactions which later on return to us. This is not a concept of Eastern thought, it exists all over the world, in Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions and philosophies. What goes around comes around. The best thing you can do for yourself is being good to the world around you.

It is said that the people we choose to have close relationships in this life, are people we have some karma to sort out from a distant past life. I don’t know about reincarnation, but I know some relationships I had, either sexual or not, were clearly karmic, they released me from a past burden by teaching me a lesson. Yet some relationships create more karma and leave us with a lesson we still have to learn in the future. The art of relationships is in letting it live its course so we can be released from some past karmic burden while avoiding to create more of it. It’s not easy but is necessary for our eventual ‘liberation’.

At the moment I’m very happy that with Maya, we managed to see our lessons and let the relationship evolve into something else without waiting for a heavy heart to force us do it, after having created a whole lot of new karma. I give thanks that she came into my life again, in this lifetime, and together we untangled ourselves from some past stories. When we were together, I felt blessed that it was Maya I had with me to do this with. And now I feel blessed to have received this lesson through her.

But it’s not always like this, things don’t work out so smoothly and we don’t take life’s lessons so easily. Some years ago I had a hard lesson which took some time to be digested. In short I felt betrayed by a close friend who went a bit too far consoling my partner during our hard times. While I was trying to give this some kind of meaning, I had to deal with the pain of the sudden cut of communication. My first reaction was more like “I’ll go and kill him” but having never even hit someone in this lifetime, I decided to talk to him and when I tried to do this what came from my mouth was more like “if you make her unhappy you’ll regret it but anyway sooner or later you’ll pay for what you have done. I deliver you to God.” But the understanding of this came later.

I had few events in my life where I felt powerless against the events that were controlling my life. In such cases, when I resisted them things got more tangled, but when I flowed along with them things also flowed. Flow is surrender, surrender to God, to karma, acknowledging that the best thing one can do is to start any action knowing that what one will experience at the end of it is what one needs to experience. I have a few incidents of “magical” escapes from “certain” disasters when I surrendered. But it is not always easy to be awake when in hardship and pain.

So when I said “I deliver you to God” I was acting out of a feeling of being powerless against my destiny. But later, when the pain subsided, I remembered that it was just stating a fact. I realized, of course, he would pay for his betrayal and there was nothing I could do about it, no punishment I could deliver without creating even more karma. In my frustrated state I wrote a couple of angry e-mails and I know it’s likely that this will one day bounce back at me. But I learned to trust the Universe, God or whatever we may call it, to deliver all our lessons. And to see what I have already lived as some necessary test I had to pass.

Recently I heard that she has left him with another member of their music band, a close friend of theirs, and that he, the friend who took her from me, is in much pain these days. I cannot be happy about this. There is no feeling of accomplishment here. It’s not like I had put a curse and it worked, I prayed for his suffering and it was heard or something like that. It would happen anyway. In fact, I’m surprised to see it happen so fast, and I’m surprised that I sympathize with his pain. I know he remembers and understands me now, so a circle of karma is complete. We all get our lessons. I hope nobody ever experiences the same pain I had to endure to learn my lesson.

On the other hand I say “what about her? What a bitch! What kind of karmic landslide is waiting for her?” But she will learn. We all learn, sooner or later, in this lifetime or the next.

Workings of karma is profound and we don’t have to understand how it works all the time but every once in a while we are given a sign to remember it always does. Then we shall ask: do we ever learn?

“If I were embarking upon the way anew, my plea would be:
‘Teach me how to learn and what to study.’
And even before that ‘Let me really wish to learn how to learn,
as a true aspiration, not simply in self-pretence.’”

Kwaja Ali Ramitani

Thursday, December 4, 2008

All Things Must Change

We go through many stages in life. We take many lessons and we grow up. When one stage is over we seldom feel sorry or regretful. We easily accept moving from being the children of our parents to grown ups, from students to non-students. We change works and if the reasons for this change is well understood we easily move on. Deep inside we know that the experience this stage brought into our lives is complete and there is nothing more to be taken out of it. We feel change means life and we move on.

Somehow this seldom happens when that stage in life is about an intimate relationship. We feel sad that we didn’t “live happily ever after”, we feel we “failed” and even that we’ll have to try again, as if one could try the same relationship again, even with the same people. When we are in love we feel it will last “forever” because it makes us feel good and why would we give up anything which makes us feel so good. But then it starts not to feel so good, these good and bad times start to alternate and sometimes there comes a time to see this is not the relationship which will carry us happily ever after. There are two possible reactions to the fact of an ending relationship.

It seems the most common reaction is to feel sad, failed, somehow desperate, accusing the other and oneself. This is the dark side of the coin and for some people it seems as necessary as the ecstasy of being in love; it’s a kind of detox-retox process. Some claim that if you cry it all out it can be easier to move on, and some like to drawn their sorrow in alcohol.

The second possible reaction is accepting what is happening. This is of course much easier said than done. Especially in the case of the death of a loved one, sorrow is always the first on stage first and acceptance only comes after some time. The “loosing” of a loved one through separation is in some situations felt like loosing through death. But there is a big big difference. If we can take hold of the sorrow stage and not give in to feeling failed or become accusative, there is a good chance that we can be close friends. After all who else knows more about you than “ex”? Ok, you may have had many different opinions which eventually separated you but, you very well know that some of your best friends are those who challenge your beliefs and ideas, and there are those aspects that kept you as a couple so long and some are not necessarily for couples. Now you have one more good friend; maybe it’s not that bad.

A relationship teaches us a lesson and has a course to complete. I recently read a research study about aging. It says, today it seems like there are far more separations through divorce, then there were separations in the past but that is not the case. In fact the percentage of married couples still together after 15-20 years hasn’t changed much. It’s just that in the past people would die younger and the marriage would hardly ever had a chance to last many decades. Today we have longer relationships, a longer life and more separations. Perhaps even the strongest relationships can only last that much as long as people involved can release themselves from artificial bonds.

I daresay I’ve learned a lot from each of my relationships and I wouldn’t wish to be in any of them still. Life is change and all things must come to an end. I’m very happy to have made friends with most of my ex-girlfriends. I feel they understand me better than most other people.

So these days I can’t really say if Adam is sad or happy because there is a bit of both. Adam and Eve broke up and because Adam had dreamt of being together longer and doing many things together, he’s a bit sad. But on the other hand they talked and reasoned that their togetherness as a couple has completed it’s course. Holding on to it wouldn’t serve either of them and they separated in a very sweet way. They are good friends now. And this makes Adam very happy because he still loves Eve. So this change of season is not like death but more like rebirth. After all, all things must change.

Sunrise doesn't last all morning
A cloudburst doesn't last all day
Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning
It's not always going to be this gray

All things must pass
All things must pass away

Sunset doesn't last all evening

A mind can blow those clouds away

After all this, my love is up and must be leaving
It's not always going to be this gray

All things must pass

All things must pass away

All things must pass
None of life's strings can last
So, I must be on my way
And face another day

Now the darkness only stays the night-time

In the morning it will fade away

Daylight is good at arriving at the right time
Its not always going to be this gray

All things must pass

All things must pass away

"All Things Must Pass" by George Harrison