Monday, July 28, 2008


Adam has a mind of his own but nevertheless Eve is a preacher.

They both believe they have much to learn from each other and the relationship they have. They believe they must have a karmic connection that brought them together. They are so eager to find out the significance of their togetherness that they tend to forget the process is the destination. They keep thinking of a brighter future while they ignore the fact that all they have is now.

They wish to learn from each other but they don’t know how. They both have sizable egos. They both like to think they’ve been dealing with their egos, as if what they are doing does not make their egos stronger. They imagine themselves to be very flexible and adaptable but they both have their bony parts.

Adam sees life as his teacher. Each person and experience is a guru to him. He doesn’t feel the need to categorize them as useful learning and useless learning. He feels everything happens for a reason and as long as he has a relatively clear vision to feel it, he doesn’t need to be explained what the underlying lesson is. He can learn from life itself. He strongly feels that trying to put his learning into words is vain.

Eve believes in education. She is more educated than Adam. She doesn’t talk much and when she does she talks with a purpose. She is generally closed until she receives a question. That way, she believes, she avoids blah-blah, which is purposeless talking. She feels life is meant to have a purpose which can be explained. She feels all actions need to have an aim.

With the purpose of making this world, Araf, a better place to live, she starts with making Adam a better person. She knows constructive criticism is the way to go. She loves to express her criticism, although Adam feels she doesn’t take criticism that well herself.

Adam feels, although they have to learn from life and grow continuously, teaching and learning can be fun. He accepts the fact that some of life’s learning is not so easy to take, but also thinks criticism is easier to receive when it is done more fun. When Eve criticizes him harshly, he feels hurt and sometimes becomes reactive and responds in ways that he comes to regret later. When he sees she is wrong in some way he rather says it straight and lets go of it rather that making it into the most important thing there is. He is usually pretty afraid of Eve’s explosiveness. He knows he’s not perfect. He knows nobody is (if they were, they wouldn’t have been kicked out of Heaven in the first place). Mostly he says his criticism in a joking way or any other way he thinks won’t hurt Eve. But when Eve sees something in him that needs criticism, she gets angry and her anger makes things harder.

They are learning. Eve is trying to learn to control her anger which she knows takes hold of her pretty often. She says this hadn’t happened before she met Adam but accepts that the seed of it is in her. She says the reason she gets so furious sometimes is that Adam makes her angry! Adam sees he has to learn but he cannot handle Eve’s anger either. He feels hurt and when he is hurt he gets reactive.

They are learning. They are dancing. They don’t wish to hurt each other but they are having many accidents trying not to step on each other’s feet.

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